guess by the name its all about Modularity and software. Clearly this is very applicable to OSGi so when the OSGi Alliance was invited to support the conference we were pleased to accept.
The first MODCONF will take place in Darmstadt, Germany on November 15, 2016. The conference is being organised by Liferay but it will not be covering Liferay products. Co-located with the event is Liferay DevCon, which will cover their products.
The Call For Papers for the conference is open now and submissions from anyone in the OSGi Community are encouraged and very welcome. You can find full details of the type of talks that they are looking for and how to submit a talk online here. Of course be sure to have a punch Title and Abstract to submit.
Also please ensure you list your submission as a Modularity Conference Talk as the talk type when submitting.
You will probably note that the CFP deadline is officially Aug 12. I do however have it on good authority that they will be pleased to receive OSGi related submissions up to the end of August. Thats still not too much time, so the sooner you can submit the better,
For those of you who don't want to provide a talk but are interested in attending you can find full details on how to register here.
We hope you can help ensure OSGi is well represented in the conference program and help make this new conference a success. Please contact the Marketing team at the OSGi Alliance or the MODCONF organisers if you have any questions.
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