Thanks to the Berlin Brandenburg JUG for their support in arranging this event, also to the OSGi Users' Forum Germany and to Bosch for hosting us and providing refreshments.

This Berlin Brandenburg JUG event is being supported by the OSGi Users’ Forum Germany and Bosch. The meeting will be held at the Bosch IoT Campus in Berlin and doors open at 18.30 for a beer and some networking in advance of the 19.00hrs start of the talks.
Registration is essential so we know numbers for the drinks and pizza kindly provided by our hosts Bosch.
18.30hrs - Doors open for beer and networking
19.00hrs - Welcome from Berlin Brandenburg JUG organizers & Bosch
19.10hrs - OSGi and Java 9+
19.40hrs - Fit for the Edge: Making OSGi Robuster and Realtime Capable
20.10hrs - Popular patterns revisited on OSGi
20.40hrs - Pizza and networking
Further details on the talks and presenters are provided below.
Location: Bosch IoT Campus, Ullsteinstraße 128, 12109 Berlin, Germany [MAP]
Registration: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/jug-bb/events/258444067/
OSGi and Java 9+ (BJ Hargrave, IBM)
Java 9 introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) as a way to modularize the Java platform and it can be also be used by developers to modularize their own applications, although JPMS lack a number of important features for software running on the Java platform.
As people look to support the latest versions of the Java platform, changes introduced in Java 9 related to JPMS led to the needs for some features in the OSGi Core specification. OSGi framework implementations like Eclipse Equinox and Apache Felix and tools like Bnd were updated to support these new features.
BJ Hargrave is CTO of the OSGi Alliance and chair of the OSGi Core Platform Expert Group. His day job is as Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM Digital Business Group. BJ has led the development of OSGi technology since its inception and is a committer on the Eclipse Equinox project and the Bndtools project.
Fit for the Edge: Making OSGi Robuster and Realtime Capable (Dr James Hunt, aicas)
OSGi brings many benefits, but it lacks two important features for Industry 4.0: strong bundle isolation and the ability to provide realtime guarantees. The Realtime Specification for Java 2.0 provides
the basis for filling this gap. It provides both APIs and JVM semantic refinements for realtime programming and resource management. Marrying these features to OSGi will make OSGi the leading platform for edge computing.
Dr. James J. Hunt is CEO and cofounder of aicas GmbH, the leading provider of realtime Java technology for embedded system. Educated at Yale, Boston University, and the University of Karlsruhe, he has worked in diverse projects such as restructurable wafer scale integrated circuits (RVLSI), parallel Lisp, software standards, and realtime Java. He is the specification lead for the Real-Time Specification for Java (JSR-282). He was also European Cochair for the subgroup on object-oriented technology of the SC-205 Plenary for updating software safety standard for avionics, resulting in the Object Oriented and
Related Technology Supplement now published as DO-332 and ED-217. He joined the OSGi Alliance to bring realtime to OSGi.
Popular patterns revisited on OSGi (Christian Schneider, Adobe)
We will look at common cloud and design patterns and see how the special properties of the OSGi environment allow us to rethink these patterns. The talk shows some well-known patterns like the service registry and the whiteboard but also some unique patterns like out of band circuit breaker or graceful degregation. The patterns are shown with some examples using declarative services(DS). So some basic OSGi and DS knowledge is of advantage but not required.For OSGi beginners, the well established OSGi patterns will help getting started the right way. Experienced OSGi developers will find some new patterns to think about. Cloud or enterprise developers will get a new approach to some patterns they are used to which hopefully inspires them to take another look at the current state of OSGi.
Christian is a computer scientist working at Adobe on the Adobe Experience Manager Platform team. On the open source side he is involved with quite a few Apache open source projects like Felix, Karaf, CXF, Camel. Christian is interested in clean code, software architecture and modular software design.
We hope you can join us in Berlin next month. If you have any questions please contact us by email.
We hope you can join us in Berlin next month. If you have any questions please contact us by email.
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