中文发布稿 / Chinese version
The OSGi Alliance has a couple of exciting activities taking place in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China at the end of March:
- CCSA Workshop (Attendance open to members only)
- OSGi Developer Outreach Event (Public attendance - open to all)
CCSA Hosts Workshop with OSGi Alliance - Guangzhou, China

The CCSA is a Chinese professional standards organization with the responsibility for developing communications technology standards. The organization was founded on 18 December 2002, by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).
The CCSA participates in standards development internationally. In 2004, it became an organizational partner of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project and is an organizational partner of 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2. In 2011, it signed a collaboration agreement with the IEEE, and it is recognized by and participates in the standardization activities of the International Telecommunication Union.
If you are an OSGi Alliance member and are interested in attending please contact us via email to secure a place,
OSGi Alliance Developer Event - Shenzhen, China
We are pleased to announce the first OSGi Alliance Developer event for China. You are invited to join us for an evening of OSGi on Tuesday, 28 March, from 19:00-21:30 in Shenzhen, China. Whether you are an individual or part of a team in a large company, or whether you are new to the technology or an experienced expert, we hope you can join us.![]() |
Huawei to host the OSGi Alliance Developer Event March 28. |
OSGi Alliance Board Director Kai Hackbarth will formally open the event, followed by presentations and use cases from Huawei, Liferay and Bosch, covering topics ranging from OSGi and IoT and the IoT Expert Group, to developing with OSGi and Bndtools.
The OSGi Alliance appreciates Huawei’s support in hosting the event at its R&D center in Shenzhen. We thank Huawei, Liferay, Bosch and the China OSGi Users’ Forum for arranging the event agenda and speakers. We extend our thanks also to the Shenzhen JUG for its support in promoting the event to the local development community.
Registration is essential and ID will be required to access the meeting. Full details of the event and how to register can be found at the event website. Please note that the meeting will be conducted in Chinese.
If you have any questions, please contact the OSGi Alliance marketing team.
- CCSA专题讨论会(仅限会员参与)
- OSGi联盟开发者会议(对所有人开放)
CCSA与OSGi联盟将在中国广州联合举办专题讨论会 - 中国,广州

欢迎对本次CCSA专题讨论会感兴趣的OSGi联盟会员,通过邮件联系我们报名参加讨论会。(OSGi Marketing)
我们很高兴地宣布中国将举办第一届OSGi开发者会议。我们邀请您参加此次在中国深圳举办的OSGi联盟活动,时间为3月28日星期二晚上19:30-21:30。无论您是个人还是公司团队的一员,无论您是该技术领域的新手还是有经验的专家,我们都欢迎您的参加。![]() |
Huawei to host the OSGi Alliance Developer Event March 28. |
此次会议将由OSGi联盟董事Kai Hackbarth宣布会议开幕,接下来是由华为、Liferay和Bosch代
参加此次会议需要注册并提供相应ID。 可在该会议网站上查看此次会议的全部信息以及注册流程。(https://yoopay.cn/event/osgidevevent2017) 温馨提示:会议中的语言会用中文.
如果您有任何问题,请同OSGi联盟市场部联系。(OSGi Marketing)
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