With the deadline rapidly approaching please make sure you get your submissions in as soon as you can so you don't miss the cut off date.
The conference is being held in New York for the first time, co-located with QCon New York. We know there are lots of you out there in New York and the surrounding areas using OSGi so we hope you take the opportunity to submit a talk or at least join us for the conference while we are on your doorstep.
We are looking for submissions from anyone who has something to share about OSGi, large or small, new or old. This can include use cases, case studies and your real world experiences from using OSGi. Tools and frameworks that improve the developer and user experience are also popular topics. Examples and users of OSGi in the Cloud or in the IoT and M2M areas are of particular interest.
Submissions are invited in the following formats:
- Presentations (50 mins)
- Panel Sessions (50 mins)
- Tutorials (180 mins)
- BOFs
Further details about how to make a submission and access to the submission system are provided on the conference home page.
Submissions that are accepted will not only give you the opportunity to share your experiences and knowledge, but also provide the speaker with one (1) 100% discount for a 3 day pass to OSGi DevCon 2014 (June 11 to 13 in New York) - a value of up to $2,295! This pass will give you access to the OSGi Tutorials on Day One (June 11) and the presentations, panel sessions, BOF's and other activities at OSGi DevCon on Days Two and Three (June 12 & 13).
Through our co-location with QCon New York attendees to OSGi DevCon are also entitled to full access to the QCon sessions and social activities that are taking place between June 11 to 13.
Save More By Booking Early
And for those of you who don't fancy presenting you can save more off the ticket price by booking early. The registration is open now and the next price increase is on March 15. Full details on prices and how to register can be found here.The Selection Committee are eagerly awaiting your submissions so that we can start the review process in March and we expect to be able to confirm the schedule of selected talks in early April.
If you have any questions feel free to post a comment or email the OSGi DevCon 2014 Program Committee.
[Picture courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net]
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