Monday, October 21, 2013

bndtools 2.2.2!

There is a new release out for bndtools! What is it? Well, bndtools is an Eclipse plugin that provides some very nice tools to develop OSGi bundles, it is also used by the OSGi Alliance itself to build the RI's and run the test suites. Since it is based on bndlib, it provides lots of functions that work well together with the maven bundle plugin, ant, sbt, gradle, and many other build environments. The bndtools plugin provides a friendly environment to develop bundles that automatically can then also be built in a continuous integration setup, using one of the aforementioned plugins.

The 2.10 release was a major release in which we added baselining. This release has many smaller features but definitely did improve a lot of things.

The easiest way to get started (or update) with this Eclipse plugin is through the Eclipse Marketplace (In the rather unexpected Help menu). You can also install it manually from its update site:

Enjoy, and let the team know how they are doing ...

   Peter Kriens @pkriens

1 comment:

  1. Small typo: "The 2.10 release was" should be "The 2.1.0 release was"
