Sometimes being an evangelist has its perks. Last week I was a guest at a very beautiful spot in Brittany at the École été OSGi. The only thing I have to do is talk about OSGi! Ok, the travel was a tad long for the distance, the hotel where we are staying took the car, a plane, a bus, a train, and another bus to get to the path that floods twice a day. At times of flood, one has to use a simple ferry. However, the location definitely has charm.
To my surprise, there were 55 students registered, to my even bigger surprise they had to deny many people that registered late because there was only limited place. It really looks like the OSGi technology is starting to make inroads. Especially the fact that the business people outnumber the academics. For a long time, the academics (or at least research people) outnumbered the business people. I love academics, but of course we need people from the industry to move OSGi into the next phase of universal middleware.
This morning I gave the opening speech. Instead of trying to explain the technology, I gave a more emotional story about the way the work on the OSGi got started, how we struggled, what failed, and what finally worked. I also spent a good amount of time on lingering about why service oriented programming is so important. As I wrote last Monday, they key is that service oriented programming allows us to reason about systems that have a much coarser granularity than objects. I tried to hard to reach the French audience, however I betted that their English was better than my lousy French. Hope they got the message!
This afternoon everybody worked hard on a prepared course. It was really cool to see all those people struggling to sell and buy service on an Apache Felix framework. well, it is time for dinner so the only thing I can say, wish you were here!
Peter Kriens
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