Click here for OSGi Community Event 2018 Slides and Videos
So the OSGi Community Event 2018 has come and go again for another year. Thanks to everyone
who joined us and also to the speakers who provided the talks (and lots of pre-event hard work preparing them) that are essential to the success of the conference.

This year we learnt how OSGi is being used by ESA for tracking and controlling spacecraft, we discovered how virtual reality can be used to understand the dependencies within OSGi software, we had an insight on using Node-RED with OSGi, and we also learnt how OSGi is being used to build Open Liberty and the benefits that it brings to a large codebase like this.
BJ Hargrave, OSGi Alliance CTO also provided an overview of what has been added to OSGi R7 and Bnd to help navigate Java 9+ and JPMS. There were also several looks in to the future of how OSGi can be used with Docker and Kubernetes and how OSGi fits with MicroProfile.
Thanks also to our hosts, EclipseCon Europe, who we were pleased to co-locate with again this year in Ludwigsburg. The social events and networking opportunities were in abundance again and appeared to be thoroughly enjoyed by the OSGi and Eclipse communities.
The slides and videos from the talks at this years event are now available and you can find these by reviewing the 2018 schedule on our conference web page.
The final word of thanks goes to our 2018 OSGi Community Event Sponsors, whose support helps ensure the conference can take place. This year Bosch and IBM were Dual Elite (OSGi and EclipseCon) sponsors and Liferay was an OSGi Conference sponsor.
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