Tuesday, July 31, 2018

OSGi R7 Highlights: Bundle Annotations

The OSGi Core Release 7 specification introduces some new bundle annotations for use by programmers. These annotations focus on generating bundle metadata in the bundle's manifest. Like the Declarative Services and Metatype annotations, the bundle annotations are CLASS retention annotations and are intended for use by tools that generate bundles such as Bnd. Bnd includes support for Gradle, Maven and Eclipse via the Bndtools Eclipse plugins.

Package Export

One of the key features of OSGi is, of course, modularity through encapsulation of classes in bundles. But we still need to share classes between bundles to get things done! So importing and exporting package is important. When building bundles, we must make sure that an Export-Package header is present in the bundle's manifest to identify which packages in the bundle are to be exported and thus available for other bundles to import. Normally, the list of packages to export is described to the bundle building tool. For example, when using Bnd, we can specify the -exportcontents or Export-Package instruction in the bnd.bnd file to tell Bnd what packages must be exported from the generated bundle. These instructions support wildcards, include and exclude information so that the bundle developer does not have to list all the desired export package names.

But this information is separate from a package being exported. So a new Export annotation is now available which can be applied to the package source in its package-info.java file.

package my.package;

When a bundle containing this package is generated, the Export-Package header in the bundle's manifest will list the package with its version number. When using the Export annotation you must also use the Version annotation to specify the version of the package.

The Export annotation also includes some elements to provide control of the export package information of the package. If you need to specify some specific attributes, or directives, for the package, the attribute element can be used to specify them. Normally when a package is exported, you want it also imported to allow the framework the choice to substitute the import for the export when resolving the bundle at runtime. This is generally the best practice. Bnd will do this automatically when it detects that at least one other package in the bundle uses the exported package. (If no other package in the bundle uses the exported package, then there would be no value in substitutably importing the package.) The substitution element can be used to override the default behavior. Finally, the uses element can be used to replace the calculated uses information of the exported package. These latter two elements are highly specialized and the calculated values are almost always the best choice.

Capabilities and Requirements

The OSGi R4.3 spec introduced the concept of capabilities and requirements to the OSGi specifications which were further refined into the Resource API Specification and Framework Namespaces Specification in OSGi R5.

Capabilities and requirements let a bundle offer capabilities to other bundles and require capabilities from other bundles. This metadata is placed in the Provide-Capability and Require-Capability manifest headers which can be used by resolvers such as the framework resolver to match bundles and wire them together at runtime. Resolving during development, such as in Bnd, or provisioning can also use this information to construct a set of bundles which will work together. So as a developer writing bundles, you want to make sure the capabilities offered by your bundle and requirements needed by your bundle are properly expressed in your bundle's manifest. But writing manifest headers is no fun and subject to mistakes when code if refactored or assembled into a different bundle.

So a new set of annotations is introduced to make managing the capabilities and requirements of a bundle more error-proof and straightforward. The new Capability annotation can be used on a type or package to declare that a capability is offered by that package when it is included in a bundle. The Capability annotation must declare the namespace of the capability and can optionally declare additional information about the capability such as a name, a version, the effective time of the capability, and uses constraints as well as any additional attributes and directives. For example, a Declarative Services SCR extender can use this annotation to declare it offers the extender capability for osgi.component version 1.4.

  name="osgi.component", version="1.4.0")

The new Requirement annotation can be used on a type or package to declare that a capability is required by that package when it is included in a bundle. The Requirement annotation must declare the namespace of the requirement and can optionally declare additional information about the requirement such as a name, a version, the effective time of the requirement, and a filter which must match a capability as well as any additional attributes and directives for the requirement. For example, a bundle using  Declarative Services can use this annotation to declare it requires the extender capability for osgi.component version 1.4.

  name="osgi.component", version="1.4.0")

As useful as this is to help generate the proper requirement in the bundle's manifest for a Declarative Services SCR extender, you don't even have to put this in your source code. This is because the Capability and Requirement annotations are supported as meta-annotations! This means you don't have to use these annotations directly in your code, you just need to use an annotation which itself is annotated with these annotations to get their benefit. For example, the RequireServiceComponentRuntime annotation is defined by the Declarative Services specification and it is annotated with the above Requirement annotation example.

@Requirement(namespace = ExtenderNamespace.EXTENDER_NAMESPACE,
  name = "osgi.component", version = "1.4.0")
public @interface RequireServiceComponentRuntime {}

So this captures all the details of the requirement in a single, easy-to-use annotation. Furthermore, the standard Component annotation, which is used by all Declarative Services components, is now annotated with the RequireServiceComponentRuntime annotation. So this means that just by writing a component and using the Component annotation, your bundle's manifest will automatically contain the requirement for the Declarative Services extender capability.

Other OSGi specifications now also take advantage of this meta-annotation support to ensure the proper requirements end up in your bundle's manifest when you use the specification. For example, the Http Whiteboard Specification defines the RequireHttpWhiteboard annotation which is itself annotated with a Requirement for the osgi.http implementation namespace. And most of the Http Whiteboard component property types are themselves annotated with the RequireHttpWhiteboard annotation. So by using one of the Http Whiteboard component property types in your bundle, your bundle's manifest will automatically contain the requirement for the Http Whiteboard implementation capability.

If you define your own capability namespaces for your applications, make sure to define your own requirement annotations annotated with Requirement to make it simple for your users to take advantage of the meta-annotation support and automatically get the desired requirements in their bundle's manifest. You can also use the new Attribute and Directive annotations on the elements of your requirement or capability annotation so that these elements can be automatically mapped onto attributes or directives in the requirement or capability generated in the bundle's manifest.

Simple Manifest Headers

And finally, there is the humble Header annotation. It can be used on a type or package if you just need to get a simple manifest header in the bundle's manifest. For example,

@Header(name=Constants.BUNDLE_CATEGORY, value="osgi")

will put Bundle-Category: osgi in the bundle's manifest.


The addition of the new bundle annotations to the OSGi specifications and support for them in tooling like Bnd make building bundles easier and less error-prone. If you are designing API which includes defining a capability namespace, make sure to design some requirement annotations for your namespace and use them to make users of your API much happier!

PS. While the OSGi Core R7 specification is done, tooling which supports the new bundle annotations may still be under development (at the time of this writing).

Want to find out more about OSGi R7?

This is one post in a series of 12 focused on OSGi R7 Highlights.  Previous posts are:
  1. Proposed Final Draft Now Available
  2. Java 9 Support
  3. Declarative Services
  4. The JAX-RS Whiteboard
  5. The Converter
  6. Cluster Information
  7. Transaction Control
  8. The Http Whiteboard Service
  9. Push Streams and Promises 1.1
  10. Configuration Admin and Configurator
  11. Log Service
Be sure to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn or subscribe to our Blog feed to find out when it's available.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

OSGi R7 Highlights: Log Service

The OSGi Compendium Release 7 specification contains version 1.4 of the Log Service specification which includes a number of exciting new enhancements and features.

Version 1.4 is a major update to the OSGi Log Service specification. A new logging API is added which supports logging levels and dynamic logging administration. A new Push Stream-based means of receiving log entries is also added. There is also support in the Declarative Services1.4 specification to make it easy to use the new logging API in components.


Most developers are probably familiar with SLF4J which is a popular logging API for Java. The new Logger interface is inspired by the ideas in SLF4J. The Logger interface allows the bundle developer to:
  • Specify a message, message parameters, and an exception to be logged.
  • Specify the Service associated with the message being logged.
  • Query if a log level is effective.
The logging methods of Logger support curly brace "{}" placeholders to format the message parameters into the message.

logger.error("Cannot access file {}", myFile);

Sometimes message parameters can be expensive to compute, so avoiding computation is important if the log level is not effective. This can be done using either an if block

if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Max {}", Collections.max(processing));

or a LoggerConsumer which is convenient with a lambda expression.

logger.info(l -> l.info("Max {}", Collections.max(processing)));

Both the prior examples avoid computation if the log level is not effective. The latter example only calls the lambda expression if the log level is effective.


Logger objects can be obtained from the LoggerFactory service using one of the getLogger methods. Loggers are named. Logger names should be in the form of a fully qualified Java class name with segments separated by full stop. For example:


Logger names form a hierarchy. A logger name is said to be an ancestor of another logger name if the logger name followed by a full stop is a prefix of the descendant logger name. The root logger name is the top ancestor of the logger name hierarchy. For example:


Normally the name of the class which is doing the logging is used as the logger name. The LoggerFactory service can be used to obtain two types of Logger objects: Logger and FormatterLogger. The Logger object uses SLF4J-style ("{}") placeholders for message formatting. The FormatterLogger object use printf-style placeholders from java.util.Formatter for message formatting. The following FormatterLogger example uses printf-style placeholders:

FormatterLogger logger = loggerFactory.getLogger(Bar.class, FormatterLogger.class);
logger.error("Cannot access file %s", myFile);

The old LogService service extends the new LoggerFactory service and the original methods on LogService are now deprecated in favor of the new LoggerFactory methods.

Logger Configuration

A LoggerAdmin service is defined which allows for the configuration of Loggers. The LoggerAdmin service can be used to obtain the LoggerContext for a bundle. Each bundle may have its own named LoggerContext based upon its bundle symbolic name, bundle version, and bundle location. There is also a root LoggerContext from which all named LoggerContexts inherit so default logging configuration can be set in the root LoggerContext.

If Configuration Admin is present, then logger configuration information can be stored in Configuration Admin. This allows external logger configuration such as via the Configurator Specification.

Receiving Log Entries

The Log Service specification has never dealt with persisting or displaying log entries. It provides API for logging and another API for receiving what has been logged. This latter API can then be used to store logged information in any place appropriate for the application. Since Release 1, the LogReaderService has provided access to logged information. This service predates the formulation of the Whiteboard pattern and is thus out-of-date with OSGi best practices. For the version 1.4 update of the Log Service specification, we added a newer, more modern way to receive logged information: the LogStreamProvider service. The Log Stream Provider uses the new Push Stream API added for R7. To receive a stream of LogEntry objects pushed as they are created, use the createStream method to receive a PushStream<LogEntry> object.


The stream can be created with any past history if desired.


The LogEntry interface has also been updated to return additional information about the log entry. It now contains the name of the Logger used to create the entry, location and thread information about the source of the log entry creation, and a sequence number so that log entry creation order can be inspected.


Version 1.4 of the Log Service is a pretty significant update to the specification. It includes a much more modern API for both logging information and receiving logged information as well as the ability to configure the log levels of loggers and bundles. Make sure to try it out in your next project. The Eclipse Equinox framework 3.13.0 implements version 1.4 of the Log Service specification and the companion bundle registers the LogStreamProvider service if you want to use it.

Want to find out more about OSGi R7?

This is one post in a series of 12 focused on OSGi R7 Highlights.  Previous posts are:
  1. Proposed Final Draft Now Available
  2. Java 9 Support
  3. Declarative Services
  4. The JAX-RS Whiteboard
  5. The Converter
  6. Cluster Information
  7. Transaction Control
  8. The Http Whiteboard Service
  9. Push Streams and Promises 1.1
  10. Configuration Admin and Configurator
Be sure to follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn or subscribe to our Blog feed to find out when it's available.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

OSGi Community Event 2018 Early Bird Pick & Registration Now Open

Congratulations to Lisa Nafeie from DLR, the German Aerospace Centre.  Lisa's talk, Visualization of OSGi based Software Architectures in Virtual Reality, has been selected as the Early Bird pick for the OSGi Community Event 2018.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to speak with Lisa to get some further background on her talk.  You can find our questions and her answers on the OSGi website.

We hope that this talk gives you a taste for all of the interesting OSGi content we will have at this year's Community Event in Ludwigsburg in October.  The OSGi Program Committee are busy reviewing all of the submissions to put a packed program together again this year.

If you are already planning on joining us you will be pleased to know that Registration for the event is now open and you can secure the best prices by booking early.

Monday, July 2, 2018

OSGi Presentation Recordings with BGJUG and Software AG

For those who follow this blog, you will know that we had an Evening of OSGi in mid-April hosted by BGJUG and Software AG. I am pleased to be able to share with you the video recordings that Software AG made at the meetup.  These have been posted on the OSGi Alliance YouTube channel and are available for you to watch.

There were two talks presented by the OSGi Alliance:
  • An 'Introduction to OSGi' by BJ Hargrave, OSGi Alliance CTO
  • A look at 'How OSGi Alliance specifications have influenced the IoT market' by Pavlin Dobrev & Kai Hackbarth (Bosch)
In addition, Todor Boev from Software AG presented 'OSGi and JPMS in practice' which discussed Software AG's experiences with OSGi and Jigsaw/JPMS.

Thanks once again to BGJUG and Software AG for arranging the meetup and allowing the Expert Group members to meet with the local Java community.