Mark Reinhold published the 'State of the Module System' a few weeks ago as a kick off for the JSR 376 Expert Group. Since then, we've slowly started to do some discussions in this expert group. Just a quick update of how the proposal relates to OSGi.
The module system consists of a dependency- and a service model.
The dependency model is based on exported packages and required modules. It introduces a new namespace for modules so that it can require them. A module can limit the exports to friend modules and a module can re-export its dependencies. It is basically a Require-Bundle with re-exports but without any versions. Modules are specified in the root of the JAR with a module-info.class file that is compiled from a file. This file is not extensible and does not support annotations.
I just wish the dependency model was symmetric. That is, require should use package names instead of module names. Around 2004 when we worked with Eclipse and they insisted on a similar model. Over time we learned that a symmetric model prevents a lot of problems. For example, if you split a bundle into two bundles then the bundles that depended on the original model do not have to be changed, they will get the imported packages from the right bundle. The proposal introduces a brand new namespace for modules but making the model symmetric would make this complexity unnecessary.
The most surprising part for me in the proposal was the lack of versions. No version means that the module-path given to the VM must be free of duplicates, putting the onus on the build system to achieve this. This seems to imply that the build system will generate the to prevent redundancy. When we make module-path an artifact created by the build system we can probably make the module system even simpler, I think.
Modules are properly encapsulated in the VM, resource loading and class access has gotten proper module access rules. The rules OSGi implements with class loaders will now get proper VM support. (And OSGi will be able to take advantage of this transparently.)
It will be interesting to see how the industry reacts to this strong encapsulation. Over the last few years a lot of people complained about OSGi when in reality it was only telling them that their baby was unmodular. It looks like people will run in identical problems when they will start to use JSR 376 modules. Very little code will work as a module without updates to the some of the cornerstone specifications like JPA, CDI, etc. (or at least implementations) since these specification assume access to resources and classes to scan the annotations.
The JSR 376 service model is based on the existing Service Loader. A module can 'use' a service by its interface name and 'provide' a service by specifying the interface and implementation class tuple. This is of course a static model, unlike the OSGi service model. Service Loader services are like global variables and are created only on request without context. Very unfortunate if you know how the dynamics of OSGi µservices can simplify so many hard problems.
For example, in the OSGi Community Event IoT Contest we have a railway track with multiple trains. In the SDK's emulator the train bundles run local and are represented by a Train Manager service. The number of instances depends on the bundles and the configuration of those bundles. In the real world the trains run on a Raspberry Pi. This drastic change in topology is completely transparent for the rest of the software since we are using distributed OSGi to connect these computers. The static Service Loader model can of course not help in these scenarios.
It is good that the JSR 376 module system starts out with a very minimal design, simplicity is good. My concerns are that there are some implications in the current design that would make it possible to reduce the complexity of the module dependency model even further by reifying the module path.
For the service model I find the Service Loader too simple. The trend to microservices makes it clear that modern applications must be able to transparently interact with local services as well remote services and this cannot be modeled with Service Loader. Providing a proper service registry at the VM level would be more than worth the added complexity as all OSGi users can testify.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
An OSGi Scheduler
The OSGi enRoute initiative (just released!) is already acting as an incubator for future OSGi specifications. It already generated ten RFPs that are available on github. Each of these RFPs has a (often simple) implementation in enRoute. In this blog I want to discuss one of my favorites: the Scheduler.
There are many services that I've desired for a long time but a scheduler that could use Unix cron like expressions is definitely one of the oldest.
Quite often you need to run a task every hour, every third Wednesday, or on January one on odd years. From an OSGi perspective the design is quite straightforward, just register a service, specify the cron expression as a property and wait to be called back. The service diagram is as follows:
An extensive description can be found at the OSGi enRoute service catalog. An example using this service would look something like:
The primary use case is nice, but there are other scheduling problems. What about having a delay in your code? Especially in distributed middleware and IoT applications scheduling on time is a crucial aspect.
We've made this service a real OSGi service in a Java 8 world. We took advantage of the OSGi R6 Promises and the amazing Java 8 Date & Time support. We also could make the service API friendlier to lambdas by allowing exceptions to be thrown. The scheduler supports fire once and repeated schedules with various combinations of milliseconds and Java 8 temporals.
A few samplers. First a one shot simple delay:
The simplest example is again a simple milliseconds repeat. You can specify any number of initial delays, the last delay is repeated until the schedule is stopped:
The experiences in OSGi enRoute with this service resulted in RFP 166 Scheduling. These RFPS are discussed in the Expert Groups and this already created some new ideas and nibbled on the including ones. Liferay indicated that it would be really useful if the service could support persistent schedules. There was also a discussion about the guarantees one should get for repeating schedules. Currently the schedules are repeated by actual time and not interval as long as they do not overlap. However, we likely need to consider cases where cron events could be missed. Lots of work!
If you're interested in this area do not hesitate to read the RFP and provide comments on our public Bugzilla, or better, join the Expert Groups.
An interesting IoT example of the Scheduler service is in the OSGi IoT Contest for the upcoming OSGi Community Event 2015 in Ludwigsburg. The contest is about Lego® trains and their tracks. You can either write a Train Manager or a Track Manager.

During the Community Event we will run these bundles on an actual track in different combinations, best performers win a prize.
In the SDK you find an emulator, a sample Train, and an example Track Manager. This Track Manager makes extensive use of the Scheduler to control the color of the signals. For example:
Ok, from a safety point of view using you might have noticed that timings for track segment signals might not be, well, safe. Alas, we do not have presence sensors in each track segment and the changing signals look pretty cool in the emulator!
But if you think you can do better? Then why not participate in the contest? There are plenty of opportunities to use this service in this context and it is sure to be a lot of fun. You are not required to show up in Ludwigsburg, you can see your train by video if you are unfortunately cannot be there. The lucky ones that are present will be able to 'practice' during the conference hours. I do admit, I am awfully curious how those trains will interact with each other during the finale. I do expect a few spectacular crashes.
There are many services that I've desired for a long time but a scheduler that could use Unix cron like expressions is definitely one of the oldest.
Quite often you need to run a task every hour, every third Wednesday, or on January one on odd years. From an OSGi perspective the design is quite straightforward, just register a service, specify the cron expression as a property and wait to be called back. The service diagram is as follows:
@Component( property = CronJob.CRON + "=1-30/2 * * * * ?" ) public class CronComponent implements CronJob @Override public void run(Object data) throws Exception { System.out.println("Cron Component"); } }So what does that CRON expression mean? Well, there are 7 fields:
- Second in minute
- Minute in hour
- Hour in day
- Day of month
- Month in year
- Day of week
- Year (optional)
0 12 * * * * *
will match noon every day. You can also specify a range like 0-30
. To repeat you can add a slash and the step value like 0/5
which repeats every fifth second (if used as the second field). And last but not least you can add additional syntax after a comma (,
) like 1,5,15,45
. The scheduler uses the syntax made popular in Java by Quartz. There are cron simulators to test these expressions since they can become quite complex.
The primary use case is nice, but there are other scheduling problems. What about having a delay in your code? Especially in distributed middleware and IoT applications scheduling on time is a crucial aspect.
We've made this service a real OSGi service in a Java 8 world. We took advantage of the OSGi R6 Promises and the amazing Java 8 Date & Time support. We also could make the service API friendlier to lambdas by allowing exceptions to be thrown. The scheduler supports fire once and repeated schedules with various combinations of milliseconds and Java 8 temporals.
A few samplers. First a one shot simple delay:
scheduler.after( () → System.out.println("fire!"), 100 ); // ms scheduler.after( () → System.out.println("fire!"), Duration.ofMillis(100) );We can also schedule an event at a given time:
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse("2017-01-13T09:54:42.820Z", ISODATE); ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.of("UTC")); Instant instant = zonedDateTime.toInstant(); () → System.out.println("fire!"), instant );And using promises:
scheduler.after( 100 ). then( this::start ). then( this::secondStage ). then( this::thirdStage, this::failure );The scheduler also provides a wrapper for allowing Promises to time out. If the provided promise does not resolve before the timeout then the resulting promise fails with a Time Out Exception.
void foo( PromiseInstead of firing once we also need to handle repeating schedules. Schedules should not always run until the end of the component's life cycle, sometimes you want to stop them long before. Therefore all schedules return a Closeable. If this object is closed, the schedule will stop. (If the component is stopped, all schedules are stopped automatically of course.)p ) { CancellablePromise cp = scheduler.before( p, Duration.ofMinutes(5) ); cp.then( this::start ). then( this::secondStage ). then( this::thirdStage, this::failure ); }
The simplest example is again a simple milliseconds repeat. You can specify any number of initial delays, the last delay is repeated until the schedule is stopped:
Closeable rampUp = scheduler.schedule( this::tick, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100 );The last, but definitely not least is the cron schedule. The following example ticks every second second in the first half of each minute.
Closeable cron = scheduler.schedule( this::cronTick, "0-30/2 * * * * *" );OSGi enRoute also contains an example scheduler application. This application has a web based GUI that allows you to exercise the API. just check out the workspace and run or debug it in bndtools.
The experiences in OSGi enRoute with this service resulted in RFP 166 Scheduling. These RFPS are discussed in the Expert Groups and this already created some new ideas and nibbled on the including ones. Liferay indicated that it would be really useful if the service could support persistent schedules. There was also a discussion about the guarantees one should get for repeating schedules. Currently the schedules are repeated by actual time and not interval as long as they do not overlap. However, we likely need to consider cases where cron events could be missed. Lots of work!
If you're interested in this area do not hesitate to read the RFP and provide comments on our public Bugzilla, or better, join the Expert Groups.
An interesting IoT example of the Scheduler service is in the OSGi IoT Contest for the upcoming OSGi Community Event 2015 in Ludwigsburg. The contest is about Lego® trains and their tracks. You can either write a Train Manager or a Track Manager.
In the SDK you find an emulator, a sample Train, and an example Track Manager. This Track Manager makes extensive use of the Scheduler to control the color of the signals. For example:
// set the signal to green for 10 seconds private void greenSignal(
Optional<Signalhandler<Object>> signal){ if(signal.isPresent()){ setSignal(signal.get(), Color.GREEN); scheduler.after(() → setSignal(signal.get(),Color.YELLOW),10000); scheduler.after(() → setSignal(signal.get(),Color.RED),15000); } }
Ok, from a safety point of view using you might have noticed that timings for track segment signals might not be, well, safe. Alas, we do not have presence sensors in each track segment and the changing signals look pretty cool in the emulator!
But if you think you can do better? Then why not participate in the contest? There are plenty of opportunities to use this service in this context and it is sure to be a lot of fun. You are not required to show up in Ludwigsburg, you can see your train by video if you are unfortunately cannot be there. The lucky ones that are present will be able to 'practice' during the conference hours. I do admit, I am awfully curious how those trains will interact with each other during the finale. I do expect a few spectacular crashes.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
OSGi enRoute 1.0!
On September 29, 2015, we finally released OSGi enRoute 1.0 ... The road has been longer than expected but we expanded the scope with IoT and a lot happened in the past year.
OSGi enRoute is an open source project that tries to make getting started developing on OSGi easier and more accessible to newcomers. Both Java and OSGi suffer a bit from the fact that they have been around for a long time.This makes it difficult for newcomers to separate the wheat from the chaff; there is so much history out there and even more software crimes in the name of backward compatibility. Really, a newcomer is quickly confused. From the OSGi Alliance, we should be proud of the number of "Hello World" tutorials for OSGi were it not for the fact that they're almost all demonstrating OSGi in the wrong way because they are old and not maintained.
When a newcomer wants to build a simple application with a GUI in Java, they first have to evaluate a zillion confusing libraries (almost 1 million on Maven Central) and then figure out how to build and debug this system using a myriad of tools. Often being confronted with bizarre APIs and patterns that are kept in the name of backward compatibility. Though there are some very interesting efforts, Karaf comes to mind, getting started is really quite daunting for any newcomer. The sad result is that many (especially the younger ones) will look elsewhere.
Therefore, OSGi enRoute does something Java developers generally have a hard time doing: committing ourselves. We wanted a developer to be able to have the skeleton of a working application up and running in minutes. That meant we needed to commit ourselves to certain choices. Shudder. Even more horrifying, we did not want to carry along 20 years of backward compatibility while making those choices. We decided to create a green-field taking advantage of OSGi Release 6 and Java 8. Though we realize this excludes a lot of potential design wins, it does allow us to compete with the non-Java worlds out there on a more even footing. It also allows us to showcase what happens when you use OSGi as it is intended. Quite awesome.
So we first created an API for enRoute. The idea of the OSGi enRoute base API is to provide a common environment for the most simple "Hello World" up to a REST or JSON RPC server that plays nice with an HTML-5 front end. Now this OSGi enRoute Base API is an API, not an implementation. This means that the OSGi enRoute Base API is not just Java code. It also contains web-resources for Angular, Bootstrap, and other popular HTML-5 programs. As stated, it is a limited but complete environment to actually get something done.
Though the OSGi specifications are very thorough, they tend to focus on the implementers of the specification and not focus that much on the users. We therefore started a service catalog that explains the services for users. The catalog explains where the service is useful and provides many snippets that can be copied and pasted. To further elucidate, we also provide a workspace with example projects that use OSGi enRoute to demonstrate how certain services actually work. Both the service catalog and the examples workspace more than welcome contributions. We hope we can make this the first place where people will go to see how a service should be used. And to be honest, the service catalog has a number of open spots so we can use some contributions.
We then also provided a number of tutorials. A quick start tutorial to get acquainted with the basic ideas or just to get some simple application done quickly. Then there is a more extensive tutorial that demonstrates the best practices ways of working in OSGi. It goes through the whole development chain from design to continuous integration releases. There is also an IoT tutorial that shows how you can use OSGi enRoute on a small machine.
Though we wanted to commit ourselves to a single API, we of course still wanted to allow different distros. A distro is a repository with implementations that provide all the capabilities that are required by the OSGi enRoute base API. The API promises and the distro provides.
Creating a distro is a major effort since its repository must be self consistent. And since not all bundles are perfect, the distro has to correct for their flaws in the build, resolve, release, and runtime phases.
Since we wanted the developer to start quickly, we picked a distro based on open source projects. You will find bundles in the distro from Amdatu, Apache Felix, Eclipse Equinox, Knopflerfish and other open source projects. Some API had no (suitable) implementations in open source. We therefore decided to create a GitHub repo with the missing bundles. Hopefully this is temporary. The goal of these bundles is to migrate to one of the open source foundations that dabble in OSGi. For this reason, some of the 'proprietary' OSGi enRoute APIs, like for example Authentication, DTOs, and others, is planned to be standardized for OSGi R7.
We decided to pick Eclipse for the IDE, with bndtools as the OSGi development plugin. Eclipse provides an amazing environment for developing Java applications and bndtools extends this amazingness right into the OSGi world. If you're forced to use another environment then do not try out the edit-debug cycle because it will be impossible to go back ... And once you're used to the version baselining you wonder how people an live without it.
For source control we obviously selected GitHub. Needs no further comment?
Though the IDE can perform all the releases of a software cycle, there is a huge advantage in having a command line build. We selected Gradle to perform this task. Gradle has the bnd plugin that can read the identical build data as bndtools does, ensuring fidelity between Eclipse and the Gradle builds. Gradle can be used in any project or workspace directory. It supports the same functionality as is available in Eclipse.
One of the best practices in our industry is continuous integration. We therefore picked Travis CI because it integrates so well with GitHub. All OSGi enRoute workspaces are ready to build on Travis without any special effort except signing up and activating.
Overall, OSGi enRoute provides a complete solution based on open source to develop OSGi-based systems. This makes it an excellent environment to learn OSGi and start making applications. Though experienced OSGi users will undoubtedly miss their favorite components, we hope they do give it a chance. It is a really nice environment to quickly create applications. And after all this is OSGi, so it is straightforward to modify the environment with your own components. You will even be able to plug in Maven and IntelliJ IDEA in the near future.
Though we are at release 1.0, we need help. We've prepared a complete environment for OSGi development but we need feedback, articles, examples, and tutorials from the community. We'd like to be the central hub where many other communities collaborate. Don't hesitate to contact us or send us pull requests.
The first usage for OSGi enRoute is the OSGi IoT Contest 2015. We've created an SDK on top of OSGi enRoute for managing a railroad track or to manage a train on that track. At the OSGi Community Event in Ludwigsburg Nov 3-5 2015, we will have a contest to see who can write the best bundle to manage a track or train. If you want to explore OSGi enRoute, you might want to participate. How much more fun can a real developer have than playing with OSGi and Lego® trains?
So what is OSGi enRoute 1.0?
If this blog is too long to read (they tell me millennials have a reading problem :-), then you could start with the quick start tutorial.OSGi enRoute is an open source project that tries to make getting started developing on OSGi easier and more accessible to newcomers. Both Java and OSGi suffer a bit from the fact that they have been around for a long time.This makes it difficult for newcomers to separate the wheat from the chaff; there is so much history out there and even more software crimes in the name of backward compatibility. Really, a newcomer is quickly confused. From the OSGi Alliance, we should be proud of the number of "Hello World" tutorials for OSGi were it not for the fact that they're almost all demonstrating OSGi in the wrong way because they are old and not maintained.
When a newcomer wants to build a simple application with a GUI in Java, they first have to evaluate a zillion confusing libraries (almost 1 million on Maven Central) and then figure out how to build and debug this system using a myriad of tools. Often being confronted with bizarre APIs and patterns that are kept in the name of backward compatibility. Though there are some very interesting efforts, Karaf comes to mind, getting started is really quite daunting for any newcomer. The sad result is that many (especially the younger ones) will look elsewhere.
Therefore, OSGi enRoute does something Java developers generally have a hard time doing: committing ourselves. We wanted a developer to be able to have the skeleton of a working application up and running in minutes. That meant we needed to commit ourselves to certain choices. Shudder. Even more horrifying, we did not want to carry along 20 years of backward compatibility while making those choices. We decided to create a green-field taking advantage of OSGi Release 6 and Java 8. Though we realize this excludes a lot of potential design wins, it does allow us to compete with the non-Java worlds out there on a more even footing. It also allows us to showcase what happens when you use OSGi as it is intended. Quite awesome.
So we first created an API for enRoute. The idea of the OSGi enRoute base API is to provide a common environment for the most simple "Hello World" up to a REST or JSON RPC server that plays nice with an HTML-5 front end. Now this OSGi enRoute Base API is an API, not an implementation. This means that the OSGi enRoute Base API is not just Java code. It also contains web-resources for Angular, Bootstrap, and other popular HTML-5 programs. As stated, it is a limited but complete environment to actually get something done.
Though the OSGi specifications are very thorough, they tend to focus on the implementers of the specification and not focus that much on the users. We therefore started a service catalog that explains the services for users. The catalog explains where the service is useful and provides many snippets that can be copied and pasted. To further elucidate, we also provide a workspace with example projects that use OSGi enRoute to demonstrate how certain services actually work. Both the service catalog and the examples workspace more than welcome contributions. We hope we can make this the first place where people will go to see how a service should be used. And to be honest, the service catalog has a number of open spots so we can use some contributions.
We then also provided a number of tutorials. A quick start tutorial to get acquainted with the basic ideas or just to get some simple application done quickly. Then there is a more extensive tutorial that demonstrates the best practices ways of working in OSGi. It goes through the whole development chain from design to continuous integration releases. There is also an IoT tutorial that shows how you can use OSGi enRoute on a small machine.
Though we wanted to commit ourselves to a single API, we of course still wanted to allow different distros. A distro is a repository with implementations that provide all the capabilities that are required by the OSGi enRoute base API. The API promises and the distro provides.
Creating a distro is a major effort since its repository must be self consistent. And since not all bundles are perfect, the distro has to correct for their flaws in the build, resolve, release, and runtime phases.
Since we wanted the developer to start quickly, we picked a distro based on open source projects. You will find bundles in the distro from Amdatu, Apache Felix, Eclipse Equinox, Knopflerfish and other open source projects. Some API had no (suitable) implementations in open source. We therefore decided to create a GitHub repo with the missing bundles. Hopefully this is temporary. The goal of these bundles is to migrate to one of the open source foundations that dabble in OSGi. For this reason, some of the 'proprietary' OSGi enRoute APIs, like for example Authentication, DTOs, and others, is planned to be standardized for OSGi R7.
We decided to pick Eclipse for the IDE, with bndtools as the OSGi development plugin. Eclipse provides an amazing environment for developing Java applications and bndtools extends this amazingness right into the OSGi world. If you're forced to use another environment then do not try out the edit-debug cycle because it will be impossible to go back ... And once you're used to the version baselining you wonder how people an live without it.
For source control we obviously selected GitHub. Needs no further comment?
Though the IDE can perform all the releases of a software cycle, there is a huge advantage in having a command line build. We selected Gradle to perform this task. Gradle has the bnd plugin that can read the identical build data as bndtools does, ensuring fidelity between Eclipse and the Gradle builds. Gradle can be used in any project or workspace directory. It supports the same functionality as is available in Eclipse.
One of the best practices in our industry is continuous integration. We therefore picked Travis CI because it integrates so well with GitHub. All OSGi enRoute workspaces are ready to build on Travis without any special effort except signing up and activating.
Overall, OSGi enRoute provides a complete solution based on open source to develop OSGi-based systems. This makes it an excellent environment to learn OSGi and start making applications. Though experienced OSGi users will undoubtedly miss their favorite components, we hope they do give it a chance. It is a really nice environment to quickly create applications. And after all this is OSGi, so it is straightforward to modify the environment with your own components. You will even be able to plug in Maven and IntelliJ IDEA in the near future.
Though we are at release 1.0, we need help. We've prepared a complete environment for OSGi development but we need feedback, articles, examples, and tutorials from the community. We'd like to be the central hub where many other communities collaborate. Don't hesitate to contact us or send us pull requests.
The first usage for OSGi enRoute is the OSGi IoT Contest 2015. We've created an SDK on top of OSGi enRoute for managing a railroad track or to manage a train on that track. At the OSGi Community Event in Ludwigsburg Nov 3-5 2015, we will have a contest to see who can write the best bundle to manage a track or train. If you want to explore OSGi enRoute, you might want to participate. How much more fun can a real developer have than playing with OSGi and Lego® trains?
Get involved! The OSGi IoT Contest 2015 Has Begun
So its Oct 1, 2015 and we are pleased to announce that the SDK for the OSGi IoT Contest 2015 is available as promised. The Contest is open to all and you don't have to attend the OSGi Community Event to participate, although we would certainly love to see you there.
The OSGi Community Event is co-located with EclipseCon Europe and will be taking place from Nov 3 to 5, 2015 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. You can register for both conferences here.
The Contest SDK can be downloaded from the OSGi Alliance GitHub pages and its provided under Apache 2.0 licensing.
The release of this SDK signifies the launch of the OSGi IoT Contest for 2015 with the theme being trains.
The Contest is open from now until Wednesday November 4 if you are attending the OSGi Community Event in Ludwigsburg, or Oct 31 if you can't join us there.
We have also put together some pretty detailed guidelines [here, here and |here] on how you can participate in the Contest, along with key dates and deadlines, the SDK architecture and some important hints and tips. All of this information should set you well on your way to showing your peers your coding prowess and proficiency with OSGi.
The Contest this year is fully integrated with OSGi enRoute, which has been created to improve the developer experience when working with OSGi. Using enRoute gives developers who are newer to OSGi the perfect opportunity to try their hand at it, and moreover be in with the chance of winning a 200 Euro Amazon Gift certificate, or one of two 50 Euro runner up Amazon Gift certificates.
A dedicated OSGi IoT Contest forum has also been setup and we encourage everyone who is interested in the Contest to sign up and join the conversations. There is no such thing as a stupid question in this forum, and you can ask anything you like about the Contest - technical, logistics, process, contest rules, you name it.
We can't wait to see your ideas and submissions.
The OSGi Community Event is co-located with EclipseCon Europe and will be taking place from Nov 3 to 5, 2015 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. You can register for both conferences here.
The Contest SDK can be downloaded from the OSGi Alliance GitHub pages and its provided under Apache 2.0 licensing.
The release of this SDK signifies the launch of the OSGi IoT Contest for 2015 with the theme being trains.
The Contest is open from now until Wednesday November 4 if you are attending the OSGi Community Event in Ludwigsburg, or Oct 31 if you can't join us there.
We have also put together some pretty detailed guidelines [here, here and |here] on how you can participate in the Contest, along with key dates and deadlines, the SDK architecture and some important hints and tips. All of this information should set you well on your way to showing your peers your coding prowess and proficiency with OSGi.
The Contest this year is fully integrated with OSGi enRoute, which has been created to improve the developer experience when working with OSGi. Using enRoute gives developers who are newer to OSGi the perfect opportunity to try their hand at it, and moreover be in with the chance of winning a 200 Euro Amazon Gift certificate, or one of two 50 Euro runner up Amazon Gift certificates.
A dedicated OSGi IoT Contest forum has also been setup and we encourage everyone who is interested in the Contest to sign up and join the conversations. There is no such thing as a stupid question in this forum, and you can ask anything you like about the Contest - technical, logistics, process, contest rules, you name it.
We can't wait to see your ideas and submissions.